Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Grady Elementary. Grady PTA remains committed to enhancing every child's educational experience and helping to ensure Grady remains an inclusive, caring place for all students and their families. 
We can't do this without volunteers though - our PTA is run 100% on volunteers.  We have a full range of volunteer opportunties so you can find the level of committment and schedule that works best for you.  Whether its on campus or off or a volunteering at an individual event or as a board member - every bit helps to make our PTA a success.  
Please check on the related links to find more information on our One Time Volunteer Opportunities and our Board Member volunteer opportunties.  

Volunteer Requirements

In order to volunteer, you must :
Fill out the Hillsborough County School District volunteer application. (Required)
Although on-campus activities are still limited, please complete your application now to be ready for when the restrictions are lifted.
Complete your application TODAY at
If you would like to be alerted to volunteer opportunties through our Tiger Talk Newsletter please fill out our Grady volunteer form below. (optional)

Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteer Opportunities

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

We would like to make this a terrific school year with your help. 

With your contact information, we will be able to keep you informed of all the Grady events and volunteer opportunities through out the year via Tiger Talk emails.

If you are interested in volunteering for the events below please check as many as you would like.

Your Contact Information
Would you like to receive regular Tiger Talk emails?
Child(s) Information
Volunteer Opportunities
Please check all areas you can help with this year